Thursday, 29 July 2010

Classics on the Common 2010: Report

Well, it started out beautifully - white cloud with some occasional sunshine but as the afternoon wore on into evening the clouds darkened and by about half past seven the rain began to come down in earnest, sending many drivers to their cars to either put hoods up or make a dash for home. So, once again things turned had soggy! There were, however, something in the region of 1,500 vehicles on display and an estimated 9,000 spectators - all on Harpenden's long suffering common. As usual we picnicked (as ever courtesy of my mum - thanks mum!) with cold meats, salads and wine followed, this year, by some particularly enjoyable meringues (homemade by my sister) to accompany our strawberries - and unlike last year we managed to eat it before it got too wet and waterlogged. One of the real delights of this eclectic event is the sheer variety of cars and bikes - almost all arriving under their own 'steam' (although I did see an E-Type being pushed around the roundabout by three helpful spectators), but it is also a pleasure to meet up with friends, old and new. This year I met one or two that I haven't seen for many years and there are always the familiar Harpenden faces too... I spent so much time chatting that I didn't even manage to get to see all the cars; however, highlights amongst what I did see were two pristine Lotus Europas - a car I've always loved the look of - an immaculate Jensen, a large number of MGs of varying ages and states of repair as well as a good number of TVRs, from the earliest to the most recent. There were some beautiful Alvis', three parked together, and at least three Frog Eye Sprites, again a car I've always loved, partly because to my mind they aren't so different from the 'Ulster', despite the 30 year age gap (see below and to the right for a slideshow of some of the cars present). So, despite the rain, which does take the edge off things rather, it was nonetheless a successful and enjoyable evening.

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